Uniforms that fit.
We know that every school is unique.
Our mission is to curate a uniform a program that
fits your school, your teachers, and your students.
With access to the best manufacturers in the industry, we select the best products for your school. Moreover, our expert graphic design team provides free logo design for a variety of decoration methods.
With personalized 24/7 web stores, flexible shipping & delivery options, exceptional customer support and competitive pricing, we provide a convenient and fast online ordering experience.
Our solutions save your school time and money by providing a fully managed and cost-effective uniform program that pleases your parents, teachers and students.
Why Classroom Apparel?
Our experts at Classroom Apparel provide customized and
curated uniform programs with quality products,
competitive prices and exceptional service.
Our team of subject matter experts partners with you
In business with 18 years of experience
Wide product selection from multiple suppliers and manufacturers
In-house decoration processes
Flexible sizing, payment and ordering options
Hassle-free & personalized online shopping experience
Exceptional customer service
Real-time reporting for administrators
Solutions beyond uniforms: promotional products, spirit wear, etc.
20+ Schools
Our Services
Parents can come by for a uniform fitting. Orders can also be picked up (local customers).
In-House Production
You save time and money because we decorate on site. Embroidery (shown here), direct-to-film, heat transfer, engraving and UV printing are options.
Keeping items in stock makes your uniform program run smoothly. Parents can get needed items even faster when held in inventory.